Changes to our book sales and book distribution.


Rising costs of book sales.

We have always strived to offer the best service possible for sincere seekers with a desire to acquire and study the books of Sri Gaura Saraswati. To that end we make every effort to package and ship our books within 24 to 48 hours using USPS Priority Mail with a three day delivery window and tracking number to follow the shipments and insure their delivery.

We have offered this service for many years as shipping costs continually rise. Despite the rise in these costs we have not raised the price of our books. Now we feel we must.

For the most part, after deducting the shipping costs, we receive an amount less than or equal to the cost of printing. In many cases our Mission’s devotees are actually subsidizing the cost of printing so that our books can be shared with the widest possible audience.

Within a short period of time we will be raising the price of all our books and other items from our ”Shop” by $1.00. If you’d like to avoid these increases we suggest you place any orders you’ve been considering as soon as possible.

If you appreciate the value of printing and distributing the books of our Sri Guru Varga please help us continue this important work.… Read More...

17 December 2024 (Tuesday) Invitation to the Celebration of Srila B.S. Govinda Maharaja’s Appearance Day!

Dear devotees and friends, we humbly invite you to participate in the festival for the Grand 96th Appearance Day Celebration of Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Astottara-sata Sri Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaja which will take place at Sri Gaura Vinoda Saraswat Sanga Global Headquarters in New Jersey, USA and worldwide centers on Thursday, December 17, 2025 from 7-9 PM.

This festival will include kirtana, discourses and other all-auspicious activities. Please RSVP by clicking on the contact page and using one of the methods available there.

Enjoying Election Day in the USA

Today we are observing the disappearance of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktvedanta Swami. It is also the day voters in the USA will vote to elect their next President. Remembering the many things Srila Prabhupada had to say about democratic elections, observance of first event led to remembrance of the next and I took a look to see what Srila Prabhupada had to say about these matters.

I recall once hearing about Srila Sridhara Maharaja speak to the question of how we should vote. He said this: ”Vote against the Communist.”

In the following talk Srila Prabhupada expands on the same point. I found reading it to be very enjoyable. I  became quite happy doing so. I hope you will have the same experience.

Swami B.K. Giri

”So if the world becomes full of Communists, then the human civilization will be finished.”

Prabhupāda: …two classes of men = the Communist and the non-Communist. Not exactly Communist and Capitalist, but Communist and non-Communist. Out of these two, the Communist are going to be powerful. This is the world tendency. So if the world becomes full of Communists, then the human civilization will be finished. All rogues and rascals, that’s all. The American government wants to check this tendency.… Read More...

26 October 2024 (Saturday) Invitation to Srila Sridhar Maharaja’s 130th Appearance Day Celebration!

Dear devotees and friends, we humbly invite you to participate in the festival for the Grand 130th Appearance Day Celebration of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math’s Founder President Acharya, Om Vishnupad Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Astottara-sata Sri Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Dev-Goswami Maharaja which will take place at the Sri Gaura Vinoda Saraswat Sanga headquarters in New Jersey, USA and at GVSS centers around the world on October 26th 2024 from 7-9 PM.

This festival will include Nama sankirtana, discourses and other all-auspicious activities. Please RSVP by clicking on the contact page and using one of the methods available there.

“Free Books” is Not Authorized


Dear Sriman Gaura dasa,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

I don’t think I’ve heard from you for about 2 years.

In one of your last emails to me (9/22/22) you wrote:

I apologize to you for asking you if you have any books you would like me to distribute. I had never distributed any of Srila Sridhar Maharaja’s books before, but I thought if I met any professors at any universities I visited along my travels, they might also appreciate them, in addition to Srila Prabhupada’s books.  I have met devotees over the years that have asked me to distribute a box of Srila Prabhupada’s books so I thought to ask if you were interested in having me do that.

I have never been one to generate much profit from distributing books.  When devotees have sponsored a box of BBT books to me in the past, I do not generate profit for myself from the books other than trying to cover  basic vehicle maintenance for any books that I distribute because the maintenance of a vehicle to distribute them, as well as the cost of gas is very high and almost cost prohibitive. I just received a bill of $ 1400 for new tires, oil change, transmission oil change, coolant, undercoating for rust in the winter etc… A brake job soon due is $ 800.Read More...

11 September 2024 (Wednesday) Invitation to Sri Radhastami. Appearance day of Srimati Radharani!

Dear devotees and friends: We humbly invite you to participate along with devotees from Sri Gaura Vinoda Saraswat Sanga New Jersey in the grand festival for Sri Radhastami on Wednesday September 11, 2024.

Fast until noon.

The festival will include kirtana, discourses and other auspicious activities. Please RSVP via our contact page.

Included is a link for the pleasure of the devotees on this most auspicious of days – Sri Radha: “in charge of the domestic affairs of Krishna.”

28 August 2024 (Wednesday) Invitation to Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s Appearance Festival!

You are invited to attend Sri Nandotsava and Thakura Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appearance day celebrations the morning of Wednesday 28th August 2024 at 1 PM. These festivities will follow the previous evening’s program of Sri Krishna Janmastami, which should conclude around 12 Noon.

The festivals will include kirtana, discourses and other auspicious activities. Please RSVP via our contact page.

27 August 2024 (Tuesday) Invitation to Sri Krishna Janmastami. Appearance of Lord Krishna!

Dear devotees and friends: We humbly invite you to participate at the Sri Gaura Vinoda Saraswat Sanga Global Headquarters in New Jersey, USA in the celebration of the grand festival of Sri Krishna Janmastami on Tuesday August 27, 2024 at 8pm until 12am midnight Wednesday, August 28th 2024.

Complete fast until midnight, then no grains (anukalpa).

Janmastami-vrata paran is at 12:34 AM Wednesday August 28, 2024.

You are also invited to attend Sri Nandotsava and Thakura Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appearance day celebrations the following morning on Wednesday 28th August 2024.

The festivals will include kirtana, discourses and other auspicious activities. Please RSVP via our contact page.

Giri Makes the News!

The Russian Giri

Giri village near Belitsa, Russia

Locals report Ukrainian military is in Giri village near Belitsa, Russia.

As the Ukraine army moves to liberate Giri from those intent on repressing it, I wish them well.

Our Giri

All glories to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharvika Giri-dhari. May They bestow Their blessings upon us all.

Swami B.K. Giri