Rising costs of book sales.
We have always strived to offer the best service possible for sincere seekers with a desire to acquire and study the books of Sri Gaura Saraswati. To that end we make every effort to package and ship our books within 24 to 48 hours using USPS Priority Mail with a three day delivery window and tracking number to follow the shipments and insure their delivery.
We have offered this service for many years as shipping costs continually rise. Despite the rise in these costs we have not raised the price of our books. Now we feel we must.
For the most part, after deducting the shipping costs, we receive an amount less than or equal to the cost of printing. In many cases our Mission’s devotees are actually subsidizing the cost of printing so that our books can be shared with the widest possible audience.
Within a short period of time we will be raising the price of all our books and other items from our ”Shop” by $1.00. If you’d like to avoid these increases we suggest you place any orders you’ve been considering as soon as possible.
If you appreciate the value of printing and distributing the books of our Sri Guru Varga please help us continue this important work.… Read More...