(Copied word for word on 10/25/95 from a notice posted on the bulletin board of the Calcutta Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.)
Ail glories to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga
Nabadwip Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math & Associated Branch Maths
Compulsory Rules and Regulations for Eastern & Western Resident Servitors of the Math.
1.) As appropriate, everyone should give respect to one another whether junior or senior, and go on witli Hari Kirtan and a chaste life in the Math considering oneself “more humble than a blade of grass and as tolerant as a tree”. To criticize others or, discuss the defects of others, and idle talks are strictly to be avoided.
2) Bad association is to be avoided at all times; especially association of betrayers of the Acharya and the association of persons who are unchaste or of loose character must be shunned like poison. Bad association is the worst enemy and the destroyer of devotion.
3) All persons must always join without fail, Mangal aroti, parikrama, class and kirtan. If anyone fails to do so, they must fast from breakfast prasada.
4) Prasad seva must be punctually attended with full regard. Breakfast prasad 7:30 – 8:30 am.… Read More...