Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
Kolerganj, P.O. Nabadwipa
Dist Nadia, W. Bengal, PIN 741302, INDIA
My dear Sripad Bhakti Sundara Govinda Maharaja,
My humble dandavats in the direction of your holy feet which are giving hope to my hopeless self. All glories to our beloved Srila Guru Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada our eternal well-wishers for it is by their grace only that we may continue in their absence.
I have received your very kind and thoughtful letter of Aug. 18. and feel very much relieved, satisfied and happy by reading it. I am always feeling so many anxieties due to the influence of the illusory energy. However, I think this situation that caused me so much disturbance must have been caused by the internal energy and therefore I feel very fortunate that I might be touched in some way by that divine substance even if the touch is in the form of extreme anxiety. Of course that I think this way may be further evidence of how much I am covered by the illusory energy but even if that is causing a false sense of happiness it is also bringing a real sense of hope.
As you well know I am like a foolish child who does not know how to behave properly.… Read More...