“Free Books” is Not Authorized


Dear Sriman Gaura dasa,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

I don’t think I’ve heard from you for about 2 years.

In one of your last emails to me (9/22/22) you wrote:

I apologize to you for asking you if you have any books you would like me to distribute. I had never distributed any of Srila Sridhar Maharaja’s books before, but I thought if I met any professors at any universities I visited along my travels, they might also appreciate them, in addition to Srila Prabhupada’s books.  I have met devotees over the years that have asked me to distribute a box of Srila Prabhupada’s books so I thought to ask if you were interested in having me do that.

I have never been one to generate much profit from distributing books.  When devotees have sponsored a box of BBT books to me in the past, I do not generate profit for myself from the books other than trying to cover  basic vehicle maintenance for any books that I distribute because the maintenance of a vehicle to distribute them, as well as the cost of gas is very high and almost cost prohibitive. I just received a bill of $ 1400 for new tires, oil change, transmission oil change, coolant, undercoating for rust in the winter etc… A brake job soon due is $ 800.


I apologize to you for asking you if you have any books you would like me to distribute. I had never distributed any of Srila Sridhar Maharaja’s books before, but I thought if I met any professors at any universities I visited along my travels, they might also appreciate them, in addition to Srila Prabhupada’s books.  I have met devotees over the years that have asked me to distribute a box of Srila Prabhupada’s books so I thought to ask if you were interested in having me do that.

Of course I would like you to distribute Srila Sridhara Maharaja’s books.

You seemed to miss the point I was making, that we should be paid for the books rather than give them away free to you. You want me to buy the books. Then, after I’ve paid for them, pay the shipping cost to send them to you. Everything is to be at my expense? Where is such activity authorized?

I was just reading and rereading some of Srila Prabhupada’s comments on book distribution. In doing so I came across the following and remembered some correspondence I had with you previously. I have highlighted the most relevant part.

Letter to: Kirtiraja

Dated: May 28, 1975

Location: Honolulu

Letter to: Kirtiraja


Los Angeles

My dear Kirtiraja dasa,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 26, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you for sending the book reviews. They are very encouraging to me. As much as possible, we want our books to be accepted by all learned circles of men. Regarding sending books freely to any library. The system that you can adopt is to send the books and tell them to read them over for one week’s time. If they do not like the book, they should send it back at our cost. If they like it and want it, then they can send the amount of money to us (whatever the book sells for). But, we cannot give books away free to anyone. They must be paid for.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



I have never been one to generate much profit from distributing books.  When devotees have sponsored a box of BBT books to me in the past, I do not generate profit for myself from the books other than trying to cover  basic vehicle maintenance for any books that I distribute because the maintenance of a vehicle to distribute them, as well as the cost of gas is very high and almost cost prohibitive. I just received a bill of $ 1400 for new tires, oil change, transmission oil change, coolant, undercoating for rust in the winter etc… A brake job soon due is $ 800.

Do you think we do not have similar expenses and difficulties? Would you like me to outline them for you? As an example we have been in need of a new roof for our Math for the last ten years or more. The cost: $40,000. Because we cannot afford to hire a contractor to do some of the work I do it myself. This is but one example of a long list I won’t trouble you with [To save money I also do almost all the repairs and maintenance needed for our buildings and vehicles.].

I do not know how much longer my 68 yr old body can do this because I experience extremely painful spasms breathing freezing air all night, even if I have many sleeping bags and blankets on me while sleeping.

I am seventy-six years old. Several years ago—when I was about your age—while I was trying to patch the roof it began raining. If I stopped my work the interior of the Math would be flooded. I continued and slipped. Because I was wearing a safety harness it stopped my fall just at the lowest part of the roof. Still, the impact with the edge of the roof cracked some of my ribs. I finished the work anyway despite the pain because it had to be done [The ribs never fully healed and still cause me pain when straining in certain ways; like torquing a large bolt.].

I could make a long list of such examples of costs and pains I’ve endured in the service of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga. Every practitioner could do the same. There is only one pain I do not want to think I could endure, the pain of not serving Them or not having my service accepted by Them.

This is the life we have willingly accepted. Service to our Divine Masters is not a right, it is a privilege. It is the highest privilege and honor that can be bestowed upon a jiva. It is extremely rare that one gets the chance in this world to serve pure devotees; such as the authors of the books you wish to distribute. It is not very easy to serve them because their standards for service are non-different from those in the highest quarters of the spiritual world.

Our Divine Masters are exemplars of toleration and determination to serve in all circumstances without regard for their personal safety or wellbeing. Srila Prabhupada came to serve us while he suffered severely in so many ways—heart attacks from the very beginning during his journey on the Jala Dhuta—as one example among many that could be listed. Name any devotee, Arjuna, Queen Kunti, Draupadi, Prahlada, Prabhupada, Sridhara Maharaja, Hari Dasa Thakura, Sanatana Goswami, and on and on and on; most likely you will find they have tolerated the intolerable while engaged in the service of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga. In many cases it is their persistence to serve despite all impediments and difficulties that causes them to be famous and, thereby, known to us.

I am sympathetic to the difficulties you face when distributing books. I have faced them also and continue to do so. Still, when I print a book or buy them from others I am expected to pay for them, and I do. Everyone has expenses, there’s nothing new there. But those who supply the books also have expenses. Who should pay those expenses if not those who take books from them?

You have asked me to give you books free of charge, citing hardships as the reason for doing so. As a devotee you have the right to ask for such charity. But I have not seen that Srila Prabhupada has approved of giving that sort of charity—free books—we cannot give books away free to anyone. They must be paid for.” He also said householders should support themselves by distributing his books, after paying the temples for them.

The BBT didn’t get books for free. Prabhupada didn’t get books for free. He paid Dai Nippon and others for them. Prabhupada insisted that his temples pay for the books they received from the BBT. Why should you be the exception?

Whoever is giving you free boxes of books is doing something Prabhupada did not authorize. If you believe he did, please supply clear and direct evidence of it.

If someone wants to engage in an unauthorized form of book distribution they may do so. I cannot stop it. However, I refuse to follow such a course of action.

As a sannyasi I have the right to beg charity from householders. You are a grhasta, will you give me something in charity? I am almost alone with help from only a couple devotees. Still, with that little help, I have somehow managed to purchase a good supply of books while maintaining a Math and organization with all the complexities that accompany such endeavors. Will you help me?

I look forward to your early reply.


Swami B.K. Giri