This Math’s Preaching Manifesto
- We must always expect success in the form of grace from the Lord and His devotees.
- We should not approach strangers with any preconceived notion as to who may be “fit or unfit” to hear the message of our Divine Master.
- We should not approach the preaching field with the expectation of any personal or material gain or fear of personal loss.
- We must be ever mindful that the Lord is our only protector and that we are always under the watchful eye of Sri Gurudeva who is our “ever well-wisher” and eternal guide.
- At all times remember, the material world is a place of misery and all are suffering regardless of pretense to the contrary.
- I am not my body, I am not part of the material world, I am an eternal spiritual being.
- I believe myself to be non-different from my body, mind, senses and intellect due to maya (illusion).
- I have accepted the subjugation of maya (illusion) willingly to attempt to fulfill my exploitative desires.
- There is no end to exploitative desires which are never fulfilled. As such I am never happy.
- The material world is an unnatural, unceasingly destructive environment for the conditioned soul.
- The only means for deliverance is Hari Nama Sankirtan (congregational chanting of the Lord’s Holy Names).
- The best kirtan is preaching the precepts of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga.
- The best preaching method is the brhat mrdanga. Brhat mrdanga means the distribution of something tangible which enables the kirtan to continue beyond the control of the originator. Including: printed matter, hard media containing audio and video files, soft media such as broadcasting via radio, television or the internet.
- The preacher should be sympathetic towards the sufferings of the conditioned souls being mindful of his own suffering.
- Promotion of Indian or Vedic culture and traditions and welfare work done by the method of applying salve on the wounds of those afflicted by material sufferings is not preaching.
- The most valued member of society is the preacher of Krishna consciousness.
- Those not directly engaged in preaching must support those who are by all means possible.
- Those who lend their support will gain the favor of the Lord and His devotees.
- The preacher, having gained such support should not be diverted to other matters except as emergency dictates.
- Hari nama must be received by transcendental conveyance via the pure devotees of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga through a process authorized by Them.
- The only authorized process to receive the Holy Name is the diksha that occurs when a sincere seeker is acknowledged as such and accepted as a disciple by a guru in the line of the siksha guru parampara authorized by Srila Saraswati Thakur.
- After receiving the Holy Name one becomes a practitioner of Krishna consciousness.
- The only means of progress for the practitioner is devotional service conducted under the guidance of a higher Vaishnava.