Date: 12/9/22
Good morning Darren.
Yesterday you raised an interesting question asking if I thought Kenny wanted to be a millionaire, an ambition of yours.
In reply I told you ”You might be surprised.” But I was actually answering the question a little differently than you might think.
I assumed your ambition to become a millionaire was due to your thinking it would bring you some measure of happiness. This is what everyone wants and is seeking through various means. More precisely, what everyone wants is sat, cit, ananda: eternity, knowledge and bliss. My reply about Kenny, ”You might be surprised.” was not meant to directly address his ambition to become a millionaire but, rather, the reason one wants to become a millionaire. It was meant to mean ”Just as you want eternity, knowledge and joyfulness, so does he.”
Another of your ambitions is to create a ”peace center” and I agree with you it should be done with the intention of encouraging the development of internal peace, not external cessation of conflict, which can never be achieved in this world. But peace is secondary to the most primary innate desire of the jiva (soul). What every jiva is seeking is pleasure.… Read More...