We humbly invite you to participate in the grand festival of Sri Gaura-Purnima (The appearance day of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the most magnanimous incarnation of Sri Krishna who appeared in this age of Kali to introduce Harinama-sankirtana — the congregational chanting of the Maha Mantra — as the most simple and sublime method for attaining love of God.) This day is also the beginning of the 537th Gaurabda year.
Celebrations will take place at Sri Gaura Vinoda Saraswat Sanga Headquarters in New Jersey.
Festivities will include Harinama-sankirtana, readings from Chaitanya-caritamrta, discourses and prasadam.
Fasting is observed until moonrise when some light prasadam (anukalpa) is distributed so that we may receive the blessings of prasadam and break the fast.
Please RSVP via the contact page.